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Deep Below

2D Dungeon Crawling Bullet Hell

Technical Skills Involved:

Game design fundementals, level layout, & understanding of unity engine.

Project Details:

Date: October 2018


The project was done over a 2 day period in the UKIE Student Game Jam 2018 with the theme of Change. This was done in the group CashMoney2077 with myself being assigned to work on the various aspect of the level.


The project itself was a top-down bullet hell game where the character would change out whenever you took damage. After some discussion, the weapon would also change as you took damage.


2 other team members and I went over each weapon variant to make sure that there were enough unique weapons. And then I designed the overall layout of the map.


The rooms in the level were randomly generated every time the player loaded up the game, but it was limited by the layout which always stayed static. This meant that we knew the type of rooms that would be made and so I designed over 32 different variations of rooms that could be implemented into the level. I also did the various art for the weapons within the game.


The end of the project was very rushed and so the game isn't fair in how it is approached due to there being no balancing. Also, the game is unfinishable as there is no guaranteed end zone and no testing was done to ensure that the player could complete it.


I learnt quite a bit from this project. As the timeframe and team size were different from what I had previously worked with, the game was made quickly and confidently by everyone. But it also showed a lack of knowledge within Unity on my own behalf. I slowly built up the knowledge within the engine over the next year and can confidently say that if this game was repeated from the start, I would be able to help in each aspect of the design rather than a specialisation in just the level design.

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