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Dissertation Test Game

Top Down 2D Rogue-Like

Technical Skills Involved:

Knowledge of C# coding, Unity Implementation,

Game Design, QA Knowledge

Project Details:

Date: March 2019


This game was made to test for my dissertation project at University, it focused on how a players experience and bias from other games can affect their progression through a Rogue-Like game and the choices made within.


The test required there to be two different types of skill trees for the players to test. One of them locked the player into a skill tree with multiple different categories. The other gave the player 3 categories to work from and then allowed them to choose and mix between each one.


The main thing learnt from the making of the project was that I had the opportunity to get better with C# scripting. Other than some help when bugs were encountered in the code, everything was written by myself and all of the game mechanics worked as intended. The level design itself took a bit longer to work through as my experiences in 2D haven't been so extensive before and so there was a lot to work through.


At the end of the project, the testing showed what was needed and the game itself holds up as an enjoyable experience that will be expanded on in the future. I plan on working on this project in the long term, making new levels and more assets for the player to go through and potentially make it a full-fledged game.

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